Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Why TfL Might not be so bad

As an adopted Londoner (I use the London greeting of "f*** off" more than necessary) I have grumbled a lot about TfL. Tubes and buses run late, by a few minutes, the drivers are paid more than me for an easier job and I pay a lot for travel - admittedly infrequent travel but travel nonetheless.

I have had problems with the night buses in that they don't arrive when they are scheduled to and somehow they can drive past full when you're quite near the start of the route. To a country boy this is baffling - full buses?!

Tubes... the drivers, in my opinion, are overpaid (and I am jealous). The Northern Line is always a constant 30 degrees celsius regardless of season. Trains go through stations declaring 'Not In Service' and yet alight at the station. Trains will also terminate a stop or two from the end of the line - this always confuses me even though I never need to go the end of the line.

Tourists! The bane of any journey. Stopping at the top of escalators to fiddle with their bags or standing on the left hand side of the escalator. Even though they are only indirectly linked to the problems of TfL, they are a problem nonetheless.

So, I've listed the things that annoy me about TfL. Now for some good things.

As mentioned earlier, I'm from a provincial city - we'll call it "Exeter" for arguments sake. Now, Exeter has a public transport system provided by Stagecoach and First Great Western. Be careful you don't splutter what ever it is you're drinking over your computer, but that is the sad nature of the system.

I was at home over the weekend and, as someone who doesn't drive, relied on public transport. Buses are expensive, more so than London, infrequent and smaller than the latest bus model that services the streets of London. Trains are even worse! Top it all off, there is no Oyster Card system which means that passengers are inconvenienced as someone fishes in their wallets, purses and pockets for change. My time is precious and it was squandered in a wasteful orgy of inefficiencies. I still resent this.

On Sunday evening/night my train from Exeter to Paddington broke down outside Westbury. The train, if you're unfamiliar with the line, was supplied by First Great Western - the great practitioner of railway failure. What should have been a 2.5 hour journey was magically transformed into a 6 hour journey getting into Paddington just in time to catch the last tube home. Credit to TfL - everything arrived on time and without glitch. I was very grateful at some time past midnight to not have any further problems with transport.

The announcement lady on the tubes and buses amuses me with her posh accent, until she gets to Canning Town that is.

By all means complain about TfL but always remember that even on its worst day, TFL is by far better than any other transport service in the country.